DVD Write for Us
DVDs are form of optical storage media based on compact discs. Called initially Digital Video Disc and later Digital Versatile Disc, “DVD” is now used with little sense of original terms. Essentially, DVD is larger, faster CD that holds video, audio, and computer data. Physically similar to CD, single-layer, single-side DVD has a maximum capacity of 4.7GB (about two hours of MPEG-2 video), about seven times the capacity of CD-ROM (regular CD holds around 650MB). A double-layer, double-sidE DVD-ROM disk has thirty times power of CD-ROM (over 17GB). DVD size supports an entrance rate of 600KBps to 1.3MBps.
DVD-ROM describe DVDs used as computer storage. DVD-R is once-recordable, which require particular drive and media, while such formats as DVD-RAM, DVD-RW, and DVD-R/RW are written multiple times.
DVD-ROM players read CD-ROMs, CD-I disks, video CDs, and new DVD-ROMs. Most DVD player also read CD-R disks.
History of DVD
In early 1990s, two high-density optical storage standard were developed: one MultiMedia Compact Disc (MMCD), back by Philips and Sony, and other Super Density Disc (SD), supporting Toshiba, Time-Warner, Matsushita Electric, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric, Pioneer, Thomson, and also JVC.
As matchmaker, IBM’s president, Lou Gerstner, led an effort to unite two camps behind single standard, anticipating repeat of costly format war between VHS and Betamax in 1980s.
Philips and Sony abandone their MMCD format and agreed upon Toshiba’s SD format with two modification related to servo tracking technology. The first adopted pit geometry that allow “push-pull” tracking, proprietary Philips/Sony technology. The second modification was adoption of Philip EFMPlus. EFMPlus, created by Kees Immink, who also design EFM, 6% less efficient than Toshiba’s SD code, result in capacity of 4.7 GByte instead of SD’s original 5 Gbyte. The advantage of EFMPlus is its elasticity against disc damage such as scratch and fingerprints. Result DVD specification Version 1.0, announced in 1995 and finalize in September 1996.
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