On this page you can get the knowledge about Analytics , As Data analytics is science of analyzing raw data to conclude that information. Data analytics help businesses optimize its performance, perform more efficiently, maximize profit, or make more strategically-guided decisions
Top Industries That Benefit Most From Data Analytics
Retailers use data analytics in almost every aspect of their business, such as personalizing customer experience and enhancing marketing. Optimize supply chain management and logistics. Manage price to maximize sale.
After knowing Google Analytics explanation, you’ll understand that it tracks a wide range of data about website and site visitors. This data includes:
Every business is an analytics business. Every process is analytics process ripe for improvement. And every employee could be analytics user in some way. No matter what you plan to accomplish with analytics, data is the first requirement for any analytics project. Once you have data, you need to analyze data. And then you need to deploy the analysis result to drive decision making. The faster organization can move through analytic life cycle, quicker they can achieve tangible value from their analytics investment.
At SAS, we see these three categories – data, discovery and deployment – as iterative step of analytics life cycle. Regardless of scope or scale of project, it should include all three steps. Let’s look at each step more closely.
The main Google Analytics purpose is to track website using and you need to add snippet of JavaScript code to website’s pages.
When a user visits a page with this code snippet, the JavaScript file begins tracking data and sends it to Google Analytics. Once Google Analytics has collected enough data from site, data will populate report within GA.
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big data
complex event processing
behavioral analytics
news analytics
neural networks
cluster analysis
web analytics
marketing mix modeling
key performance indicator
unstructured data
business intelligence
regression analysis
international data corporation
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